So, as I was saying, today I visted my Facebook page. I watched a video a beautifully voiced bass baritone friend of mine posted of himself, visited the Rio Hondo College page, jotted a quick hello to Meredith and was on my way out when I see one of those people you "might want to be friends with" thingys on the side. I had to take a second look because it was a very dear friends son. That in itself is not strange. What's strange is that I have no idea, NONE, how any one, or in this case any "thing" (meaning FB) would know that I know this young kid.

I don't wanna make a big thing about this but...I just don't understand. I went back to my page to see if he was still there and he was gone. Gone. Just....gone. And in his place people I knew in High School. How the heck did they show up?
Listen people, FB, FBI, CIA, whoever you are...I did nothing...I'm innocent...and I stand my ground. You cannot destroy me. You cannot break cannot, you cannot, you can.....NOT! But just in case, I'm locking my doors, pulling the shades and getting a pitbull. Are they expensive? It doesn't matter, I'm getting one and I've heard them yelp on tv when a burglar sneaks into the back and hits it or whatever it is they do to make a dog yelp. I know that sound so don't think your gonna get me or my dog!
Heheheheheee...creepy yes, excellent write-up, MOST DEFINITELY! You never know these days HOW people find you! However, I can never ever find the good people that I WANT TO FIND from my past...what's up with that? Oh, how I miss being out in CA and having the chance to see you again....all my love to you dear cousin!!! Anita
I know...I get those too! Why can't I find Louie Esquivel?
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